Allies joins Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITL)

Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (officially abbreviated as ITL) is a non-profit association uniting information and communication technology (ICT) companies and organisations. The combined turnover of the members of ITL is more than 70% of the total turnover of the Estonian ICT sector.
Allies becomes full member of ITL as of 16.04.2020.
ITL stands for uniting the Estonian IT sector into a strong and competitive unit where partnerships and information-sharing thrives —a common goal shared with Allies.
Post-crisis economy will be driven by digitization. All that’s more digital, contact-less, automated, robotic, virtual, on-demand, flexible, regulated — you name it — will be on rise. Businesses that enable technology are at the forefront, ICT’s % of total GDP output will increase.
Business thrives in strong ecosystems. Tireless competition hinders growth, collaboration boosts it. Europe’s uniqueness lies in its many cultures, but speaking the same language within an industry, across countries, both on supply and demand side, is the most likely way our region as a whole can compete in the new economy.
The initiative shan’t come from policy-makers, governments. Borders may be closed but the Internet is up-and-running, and communities like ITL, Allies, SoDA, Talent Alpha, Code from Finland — for-profit or non-profit— are thriving. Bring two ecosystems closer together and 1+1>2.
What does it mean for our partners?
Allies network of 30(growing) Estonian IT businesses with 800+ employees, complemented by our partners in Finland and Poland, can now, one way or another, step closer to ITL. There is the overlap (hello MobiLab, Proekspert and others), but in addition to software developers, ITL’s umbrella gathers the telecoms, electronics and hardware businesses — all of whom share similar resourcing challenges.
Boosting the allies bench
Early this year, we launched allies bench — the tool that helps find available talent from leading dev houses. In Q1, the tool was opened to our partner network and, despite covid, we saw first cases where available (benched) talent from one dev house was on-boarded into projects owned by another (thanks Mooncascade & Singleton for sharing).
Cross-company mobility makes sense in times of uncertainty.
Our data tells that businesses will be careful in their recruitment plans — and understandably so. Yet, business-critical IT development must continue, as well as developing new product offerings that are adjusted to the post-crisis norm. Complementing in-house teams with more flexible arrangements such as available talent from dev houses is a viable alternative. Doing so using the resources that are readily available on the bench — even better for both the client and supplier.
Or, at least, so we believe. Within ITL, our goal for 2020 is to map the need of tools such as allies bench that allow cross-company mobility and resource sharing.